Opening Hour: Mon-Fri: 9AM-5PM | Sat-Sun: Closed
Skin Therapy

Understand and love the skin you are in and the products you are using. You have only one skin to last you a lifetime. It reflects how you look and feel on the inside. Regular facial treatments keep our skin looking and feeling beautiful. They also give us the time to enjoy the present moment while restoring our energy and calming our minds. Achieve the visible results your skin deserves with the correct skincare regime and treatment program. Needless to say, if you look good and feel great, you rejuvenate your skin, mind, and body. Good skin sense and the choices you make today will determine how ageless your skin looks in the future. Book your skin consultation today and get ready to put your best face forward with a customized skin therapy that is right for you.

Skin Consultation - ( 45mins ) $50

Achieve optimal skin health and gain a better understanding of your skin’s needs, through a skin consultation and analysis, conducted by a professional skin therapist. A complete personalized program will be prescribed including a treatment plan, home care routine and skincare recommendations. Your skin consultation is free when you purchase any of the recommended skincare products on that day.

Essential Facial Treatments - ( 75mins ) $95

A 5 Step Programme to achieve skin balance.

This is an essential skin treatment programme that achieves healthy skin and is customized especially for your skin’s needs. Increasing blood circulation and improving the skin’s metabolic functions are vital for optimal skin health. Also, this increase in oxygen levels slows down the signs of ageing.


The first step in rebuilding the skin is to restore its ideal levels of minerals and vitamins.


Purifies and eliminates impurities. Ideal to improve sallow skin exposed to a poor environment and experiencing skin breakouts.


Replenishes the ideal levels of moisture to the skin and provides long-lasting softness and elasticity.


It is essential to repair skins that are damaged due to the environment, poor immunity and harsh conditions. This reduces inflammation and superficial damage caused by neglect, climate or over-exposure to the sun. Skin texture and tone are improved while encouraging regeneration.


This is the maintenance treatment for all skins. This facial treatment contains all the necessary elements the skin needs to function at its optimal level. When you have reached this level of treatment you have achieved a balanced, healthy skin. Congratulations! Essential Facial Treatments understand your skin. See and feel the results.

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